Monday, December 1, 2008

Buying Power

Every penny you spend empowers someone. Every penny you spend hurts some other company and deprives someone of income and potentially a job. Buy American, buy Texan, buy Montgomery county, buy Spring - buy here.
It's not easy. I drive a Japanese car - a car built by a publicly traded company by workers in "El Estados Unidos" and other places. The company is owned by humans all over the planet - many of them in the United States. Sure, you can rationalize anything you want if you try hard enough, but buying American is hard. I am trying harder.
I tried to buy an American car. Next time I will. I drove American when gas was $1.50 a gallon. At $3 it was a hybrid, at $4 it was another Japanese four cylinder. As much as I like to sit up straight in the vehicles I drive, maybe a craned neck in a Chevy Cobalt is doing the right thing for the country.

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Numbers Everyone Should Know

Lost or Stolen Credit Card Hotline
Visa: 1-800-VISA-911 (1-800-847-2911)
MasterCard: 1-800-MC-ASSIST (800-622-7747)
American Express: 1-800-992-3404
Discover: 1-800-DISCOVER (1-800-347-2683)
Diners Club: 1-800-2DINERS (1-800-234-6377)
Car Insurance Claims Hotline
Geico: 1-800-861-8380
Allstate: 1-800-ALLSTATE (1-800-255-7828)
Nationwide: 1-800-421-3535
Progressive: 1-800-PROGRESSIVE (1-800-776-4737)
Liberty Mutual: 1-800-2CLAIMS (1-800-225-2467)
State Farm: Depends where you live (find your agent’s number).
AIG Direct: 1-888-244-6163
Travelers: 1-800-CLAIM33 (1-800-252-4633)
Airlines Reservations Hotline
American Airlines: 1-800-433-7300
Continental: 1-800-525-0280
Delta Airlines: 1-800-221-1212
JetBlue: 1-800-538-2583
Northwest Airlines: 1-800-225-2525
Southwest Airlines: 1-800-435-9792
Spirit Airlines: 1-800-772-7117
United Airlines: 1-800-241-6522
US Airways: 1-800-428-4322
Check Your Cell Phone minute useage
AT&T: *646#
Sprint: *4
T-Mobile: #646#
Verizon: #646